PM Jobs

Since 2003 PMI Central Mass Chapter has helped to connect employers to our growing community of project management professionals.



Employment Seekers

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  • Job Title
  • Work Location
  • Travel Requirements
  • Terms (i.e. Full Time, Part Time, Contract)
  • Job Description
  • Responsibilities
  • Required Qualifications
  • Compensation Range
  • Contact Information



To receive job opportunity updates, you must be a PMI CMASS Chapter member in good standing.

To subscribe/unsubscribe from our job distribution list, send an email to with the subject: Jobs Distribution. 


  • Your PMI membership number
  • Requested action (i.e. add, update, or remove)
  • Your email address.

Ensure your email address is up to date to receive current job opportunities.

Also, current chapter members in good standing, join our LinkedIn PMI CMASS Group to help with networking. Hundreds of chapter members have already joined. also provides career development support at Career Central and Career Headquarters.