Registration for the 2024/2025 Mentoring Program is Now Open

Scroll down for more information on the program as well as testimonials from past mentees and mentors.


PMI CMASS Mentoring Program

The PMI Central Mass Mentoring Program is a structured, 6-month program bringing together mentees and  chapter member mentors in mentoring partnerships to meet the professional development goals of the mentee. Through a series of 1:1 mentoring sessions and full program discussions, both mentors and mentees can leverage rich opportunities to expand their knowledge of and insights into project management topics from diverse perspectives while enhancing their skills where desired. The learning and enrichment occur both ways!

Should I apply to be a PMI CMASS Mentee?

Apply to be a Mentee in our program if you are:

  • A Newer PM (hit the ground running): You’re preparing to earn your PMP or may be newly PMP-certified (YAY!) and looking to grow basic project technical or leadership skills.
  • A Mid-Level PM (from good to great): You’ve been in the project management field for a while, but want to elevate your skills and insights to help you land that promotion or get you ready to “crush” that next-level project.
  • A Career Changer (doing your homework): You’re thinking about making the leap from your current job to an official project management role, and want to learn more from an experienced professional about the demands and day-to-day of project management before deciding if this is the right field for you.
  • A Project Management Student: You’re enrolled in a project management degree program and want to supplement your studies with real-world mentoring outside of the lecture hall or online classroom
  • Anyone looking to: gain practical advice from experienced mentors, build or expand professional network, and/or develop skills (note: Mentees do not have to be PMP-certified to participate).
    • If you are a PMI Central Mass member, you are encouraged to use this benefit to get the most out of your membership
    • Non-PMI Central Mass members can still apply. Click here to learn how to join (it’s quick and painless).
Should I apply to be a PMI CMASS Mentor?

Please apply to be a Mentor in our program if you:

  • Have at least 5 years’ experience as a project or program manager
  • Have a current PMP or PMI-ACP certification 
  • Are eager to share your knowledge and experience in project management with less-experienced professionals – and learn from them in return
  • Are a PMI member in good standing
  • Want to support and give back to the project management profession
What are the program requirements?

Submit your Registration Form using the link below

Commit to the program, which means:

  • Complete kick-off meeting pre-work
  • Attend three (3) full program meetings (see Key Program Dates below)
  • Attend 12 1:1 mentoring sessions with their mentoring partner (up to 60 minutes/1 PDU per session, schedule & location TBD by each pair)
Will I earn PDU's?

PMI-certified credential-holders may earn up to 20 PDUs upon successful completion of the Mentoring Program. Now that’s a great value! 

What are the fees?
  • FREE for mentors
  • $100 for mentees (yup, that is it!)
  • $25 for students that are enrolled in a Project Management or Business degree program 
What are the Key Program Dates?
  • Online Program Registration: July 1 – August 18, 2024
  • Milestone Meetings (all virtual):
    • Kick-Off: October 3, 2024 – 6pm – 8pm
    • Mentor Panel (Optional): November 21, 2024 – 6pm – 7:30pm
    • Mid-Point: January 9, 2025 – 6pm – 8pm
    • Mentor Panel (Optional): February 27, 2025 – 6pm – 7:30pm
    • Wrap-Up: March 27, 2025 – 6pm – 8pm 
Is there an FAQ available?

Yes, download using the link below.

Who should I contact with additional questions?

Contact Courtney Biskup at

Are there any disclaimers I should be aware of?

By proceeding with application, you agree to the following:

  • Any information exchanged as part of the Mentoring Program is confidential and must not be disclosed to a third party without the express permission of the participant(s) involved.
  • The role of the mentor is limited to providing opinions, advice and suggestions.
    Mentees must carefully consider all information given by a mentor before making any personal, professional or career decisions.
  • Mentors are responsible for ensuring that any pointers and/or suggestions given as part of the Mentoring Program are, to the best of their knowledge, appropriate and morally and ethically acceptable.
  • Remember that mentors are volunteers and not experts or private consultants.
  • Mentors, PMI CMASS and PMI Global are not responsible for any professional, personal or other decisions resulting from the mentoring relationship.
  • Mentors provide information and/or advice strictly based on their own experience and perspectives. Mentors make no decisions on behalf of mentees.
  • PMI Global, PMI CMASS and mentors are in no way liable for any decisions whatsoever made by mentees.

By joining the Mentoring Program, participants acknowledge that PMI Global and PMI CMASS, as well as other participants, are in no way responsible for any suggestions or advice given as part of the Mentoring Program.

Respect and professional behavior are important to the mentoring relationship.  PMI CMASS reserves the right to remove any members whose behavior is cause for complaint by any party. No refunds will be issued.

The Power of Mentoring

It’s no secret: professional mentorships provide powerful growth and enrichment opportunities that are now essential to success in our post-pandemic world. As organizations across the globe are forced to redefine strategy and transform their business models in response to radically changed economic and societal demands, strong project leadership talent has become more valuable than ever before. So what?!

Project professionals – regardless of years of experience, industry background, or methodology of choice – need to be able to quickly pivot and successfully lead change through the application of continually-evolving business, technical, and leadership skills.


Mentoring relationships can

Support professional development for Mentors and Mentees in an engaging and personalized way


Mentoring relationships can

Enhance job performance and improve promotability and marketability


Mentoring relationships can

Expand our social connectivity within the project management network


Mentoring relationships can

Expose us to new perspectives and techniques within the project management technical, strategic, and leadership domains


“My take on the whole program is definitely very positive. For me the most important thing that I learnt was, ways to deal with a situation at work when I had a strong negative feeling about something, my mentor helped me open my mind to deal with situations differently.”


The CMASS Mentoring Program was incredibly beneficial to my own development this past year. Serving as a mentor outside of my company challenged me to consider the similarities and differences in project management from one industry to another, enhancing my abilities to consider paradoxes and demonstrate agile thinking, a core leadership competency in my company. It was also wonderful to expand my own network and learn from other accomplished Program and Project Managers. I’m looking forward to bringing my learnings back to mentoring programs within my organization. And it was very satisfying to give back to the profession locally!


"Every time we talked (virtually), we spent 10-20 min discussing the challenges, concerns, questions my Mentee ran into as a new PM since the last time we met. In almost all scenarios I had same/similar experiences in my PM career. It was an absolute enjoyment to have the opportunity to share what I learned and saw another person benefited from what I experienced. At the end of the program, observing how much more comfortable my Mentee was with handling various situations in her daily work gave me even more satisfaction than that which I felt from my own accomplishments!"


“I pursued the opportunity to join the PMI CMass pilot mentoring program while studying for my PMP Certification Exam. One of the best features of the program for me was having the ability to design discussion topics around the areas that were particularly meaningful towards my personal growth. My mentor not only helped me strengthen my fundamental knowledge in the PMBOK, but also helped me find practical ways of applying those concepts to real-world experiences I’ve encountered. Not only do I feel that what I’ve learned in my one-on-ones has helped in my professional growth, but I’m certain that many of the topics my mentor and I discussed have directly helped me in reaching my certification goal. I highly recommend this program to any new PMs entering the field.”


“The PMI world is rich with information, books, journals, articles and online resources. The PMI mentoring program is a great compliment to all of these, because it is the best way to get one-on-one shared experience that is not available anywhere. It is rich and fulfilling journey.”


"Serving as a mentor is a rewarding way to give back to the profession by helping other Project Management professionals. It has been an opportunity to recharge and reinforce my interest in the profession as well as offering me new perspectives and approaches that I may apply to my own career."


"As a first time member for the program I found it very valuable to reflect on my own practices and gain knowledge from outside my work area coupled of course with supporting the growth of a newer member of the project management community."


"The PMI CMASS Mentoring Program has been incredibly valuable to my personal and professional growth over the past couple of years, and I believe any project manager - new, mid-level, or senior - can absolutely benefit from participating. I was paired with wonderful mentors who were not only eager to share their wealth of experience in the project management field, but also flexible enough to pivot as my learning goals evolved throughout the course of the program. Even better, they helped me to think about a wide variety of project management topics from perspectives I may never have even considered on my own, which led to many new opportunities for me. In my opinion, the PMI CMASS Mentoring Program fosters growth in so many ways that you cannot experience solely through job shadowing or independent learning. It's a no-brainer."