PMI CMass June 13th Chapter Meeting
Registration is closed but Walk-ins are Welcome!!
Join us on June 13th and learn how to Avoid Creep-Discover the REAL Requirements
Room opens at 6pm for Informal Social Networking Opportunity, come early and make some new contacts
Dinner starts at 6pm; Meeting 6;30-8pm (Presentation starts at 7pm)
PDU'S - .5 Power Skills; 1 Business Acumen
Presenter: Robin Goldsmith, JD - President Go Pro Management, Inc.
One of the few with legitimate credentials in Business Analysis/Requirements, Project Management, and Quality Assurance/Testing, prominent presenter Robin F. Goldsmith, JD works with and trains business and project professionals to get right results right. Author of the Artech House book Discovering REAL Business Requirements for Software Project Success and the forthcoming Cut Creep—Write Right Agile User Stories and Acceptance Tests, his eye-opening Unconventional Wisdom™ thought leadership provokes you to innovative high-value solutions.
If registration is closed - Walk Ins are Welcome!
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